001. Start.


I have a livejournal. I have a RL journal for my day-to-day. I have a small notebook with a sticker on the front for random writings, lists, and whenever I can’t reach one of the others before a soap-bubble thought leaves. I have a black, simple book for all my writings, musings, quotes. In short, I have enough journals to get by on. Why am I making another?

To reboot, I guess. Because if I reboot a journal, reboot a story it starts over. And in starting over, I guess I both lose the original template and have room to change again, without feeling that sense of loss. I’ll still be writing in my livejournal, of course. I shan’t abandon my RL journals either. Yet, starting anew is freshing.

I am Pippage. Or Pip. Ascribed, I’m a student, female, overweight, from a good family. Achieved, I’m lazy, curious, awkward, twisted, yet somehow lovable. Master Status is still, for the most part, Student.

I work weekends and Fridays. I attempt school through the week. Work consists of answering phones, random chores, and being nice. School consists of bitching, tech, work, friends. I’m a chorus/art geek, a humanities/english student.

That’s me. I swear. I laugh. I cry. I’ll doll up my language, or dress down in slang’s many threads. In short, the typical teenaged conundrum.

This is the first entry. Hopefully, a first that has significance.

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